So, I had some adventure this weekend. Specifically, I had a small fire in a wall mounted space heater that required me using my fire extinguisher and calling the fire department. No major damage beyond the space heater, but it still smells smokey in here. (BTW, any tips for dealing with that? Let me know in the comments or tweet it at me.)
I will now present to you three scenarios.
1. How I Responded to this Crisis In My Head:
Yep, I pretty much just wanted to run away and let it all burn. Fire is scary!
2. How I Told Others I Responded to this Crisis:
Yep, that's totally the Official Story.
And finally:
3. How I Actually Responded:
Yep. The fire department came a minute later, and made sure it hadn't spread to the wall. Whew.
So, while I had the presence of mind to use the fire extinguisher (and some wet towels, which is what ultimately killed it), I also just kept shouting my street address over and over again on the phone without telling the dispatcher what town I was in. And I put Kitty in her carrier like a grown up, instead of flinging her out the window whilst shouting SAVE YOURSELF. So all in all, I give myself a solid B+.
What about you guys - are you panickers or calm cool and collected?