
Monday, August 26, 2019

Face Ache!

Hiii - no new post this weekend for a few reasons, one of which is that I had that bad headache thing happen to me again (which, for the record, may have to do with grinding my teeth during my sleep. Or my head is going to explode shortly.)

So enjoy this old post for an explanation of the weird face pain. 


So, as I wrote about last week, I had a headache the weekend before. What I didn’t blog about, though, was how it came back on Wednesday and lasted the next 4-5 days. It was mostly on the right side of my face/head (though it jumped to the left one night).

t’s also why I was less active in the blogger/twitter world, in case anyone noticed or missed me (doubtful).
On Thursday, I went to the minute clinic, and was diagnosed with either a migraine or a sinus infection or something more serious but less likely.  

I also get super woozy when we start talking about arteries or anything blood related and I almost passed out

She gave me antibiotics in case it is a weird sinus infection and sent me on my way. On Friday, my eyes were still aching and my head/neck hurt.  I saw Boyfriend.
I gave up on doctors after this experience 

I started to feel a little bit better Saturday/Sunday. The pain felt like it was coming from my neck more, so I’m thinking maybe I pulled it somehow very badly, because I googled and it looks like a neck muscle can cause pain all over one side of your head including your forehead and eye.

I’m considering going to a doctor. We’ll see.


Has this happened to anyone else? And before anyone comments with scary advice about how I’m having ministrokes  or tumors or aneurysms or any equally horrifying things, this is not accompanied by a fever or dizziness or blurred vision or nausea/vomiting or disorientation.

Thanks bunches.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fire bad. Fire...good?

Busy weekend. Doing conspiracy stuff  work and stuff (read: playing my old nintendo 64). Here's a fun throwback:

The scene this weekend:

I am very dramatic.

His pets are offended, as usual. They are also very dramatic. 

Dragon pets! If only.

Anyway, no, he didn't get one of those dumb fancy Elon Musk flamethrowers. He got a normal functional one to get rid of weeds growing in between rocks in his backyard. 

10/10 would recommend

Anyhoo, if anyone is looking for a gift for that special someone....get em a flamethrower. 

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Conspiracy Theories

Oh come on you guys, you KNOW there are some serious shenanigans going on with the Epstein "suicide" on Saturday morning. Don't worry, Boyfriend and I will get to the bottom of it. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Small Talk Ideas

Another busy weekend, so he's a still-relevant one from last year. Enjoy!

As I've mentioned before, I think Trump is a dumpster fire clown fascist and things in this country are going very badly. 

However, like lots of families, some of my relatives disagree. Some are trump supporters, some think hillary literally killed vince foster and some just like to start shit. Others are very conservative catholics who think abortion is the only policy issue that matters. 

I had to attend a birthday party with them all this weekend, which is always a struggle. Because this: 

Points for not bringing up Trump, right??