
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 Days of Christmas: Five

We're skipping ahead today.

What are you guys singing for asking for this year?


  1. "They won't take it back" ha ha ha ha! I didn't realize how expensive that song would be. Also, that's a lot of iPhones. I guess you need them in case you drop one.

  2. I think saw somewhere that all of the gifts in the original 12 days of Christmas would cost something like $100,000. Which, you know, is pocket change if you can also afford an Olympic Dressage horse.

  3. you never cease to make me giggle uncontrollably! As for Christmas presents, Garrett and I promised not to buy each other anything since we are 26 & 27 years old, with 2 kids-- I'm an aspiring writer/SAHM and he is also an aspiring author/mental health counselor AKA we are poor. But I'd really like a new laptop (HP) and ... New Girl Season 1!

  4. I think Bob and Doug McKenzie had the right way of the Twelve Days of Christmas! Beer and Back Bacon!

  5. Mrs. Penwasser bought me a new kitchen.
    So I guess that's what I want.

  6. I'm trying to find a way to work an i-Pad into a Christmas song. It's more difficult than you'd think.

  7. Maybe you could compromise and ask for three kitties and only two iphones. I hear kitties are less expensive. Unless you have my friend's cat who's poop gets compacted in his anal cavity and has to be surgically removed.

  8. Diamonds. I always request diamonds. They're a girl's best friend -- with the exception of her dogs, her children, and her Elvis Aaron Schwarz.


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  10. Hubs and I don't exchange gifts but my youngest daughter is upgrading my cell phone so I'll have a REAL smart phone, not a lobotomized one!

  11. Three iPhones? You don't even have that many ears . . . I hope. Ellen

  12. Seriously? I have extra cats. Want some? They're super snuggly. But between Boyfriend and me, we are like the cat hoarders Brady Bunch.

    And all I want for Christmas is a Ukulele. And a pet octopus. And fame, wealth, and unlimited time.

  13. I don't have a "true love" but if I did, I'd totally ask for a pet dragon.

  14. I asked the boyfriend for a gym membership. Yes I was entirely serious.

  15. The sixth day should probably be cheese.
