
Monday, March 26, 2018

Happy Spring!

Remember how Boyfriend was gross last week?

So, let's cut to Wednesday. 

Yep, we got another snowstorm. On the first full day of spring. UGH, you guys. Just ugh. 

Monday, March 19, 2018


We've been reading about how bad the flu is this year and boy did we not want to catch that!

YEP. Luckily it's not the flu, but Boyfriend came down with a nasty virus this weekend. 

He was very feverish and delusional and definitely did not know what he was saying.  I, on the other hand, was very good and helpful....from a distance.

Poor Boyfriend! Send him good vibes and tissues and cans of soup.

Monday, March 12, 2018

No, this is not about the porn star payoff scandal plaguing the clownstick in the oval office. 

Here, let me tell you about last week in verse:

There once was a girl named Gia
Who lived in an apartment with her Kitty
A storm came real bad
It made them real sad
And the electricity decided to quitty. 

Yep I lost power. It sucked. What about Boyfriend, you ask?

Gia's Boyfriend lived a few miles away
And his power stayed on - hooray!
But the snow there fell worse
And it made Boyfriend curse 
And now he wants to move far away.

Hope my fellow east coasters fared alright!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Living Like Kings

Big news, everyone.

You guys don't understand. This is what the bed is like when I'm at Boyfriend's house:

Remember, the leg issue?

And this is what it's like now:
Yes, crowns.

It's glorious, you guys. GLORIOUS. 

My only beef is that there's SO much space, it's harder to cuddle. I have to "swim" over to Boyfriend's side and and back. Sigh. I'm working on a contingency plan though.